Brooke Patrick was nominated and selected by the current JLGNF Board of Directors as our fourth spotlight in our Member Spotlight Series based on her dedication and enthusiasm. Brooke's awesome personality and drive shines through her placement, Recruitment Chair.
"I enjoyed having Brooke on the Membership Council this year as a friend and a great team member! She worked hard all year to ensure the growth of our league. Her hard work paid off, resulting in two FANTASTIC new member classes!" - Alex Klein, 2015-2016 V.P. of Membership
About Brooke:
Current League Placement: Recruitment Chair
Other volunteer organization involvement: North Point Church in the Baby Room
How long have you lived in the Gwinnett/ North Fulton Area: 3 years
Which city do you live in? Alpharetta, but Buckhead next month
How long have you been in a member of JLGNF: 3 years
What is your profession, title, company (if applicable)? Speech Language Pathologist with Pediatric Speech Therapy. Business Owner/Speech Language Pathologist of Play and Say Speech Therapy
Tell us about your family: My parents and my brother and his family live in Illinois, which is where I am from. I am a proud Aunt of my brother's two children, Sophia and Cooper.
Why did you join JLGNF? I joined to surround myself with positive influences and friendship. My ex-husband and I moved here and while he had lived here before and had many friends, I had never stepped foot into Georgia. I admire women who know what they want and go for it, and the members of JLGNF represent that well.
What is your greatest life accomplishment (personally or professionally)? My profession. Although I take it for granted, there is no greater feeling than walking into a room and giving a family the support and skill set that they need. I love that the root of my job is to help with communication and redefining what communication means to some people.
What is your favorite activity or hobby? Does the Avalon count? Besides shopping and people watching, I kayak weekly.
What about “Strong Girls, Bright Futures” resonates with you? I haven't had very much hands on involvement with this yet, which is why I am so excited about my upcoming placement (IMPACT Chair). I love that we want to impact the lives of young girls. I was lucky enough to grow up under the wings of my mother, who constantly encouraged me to be independent, strong and educated. I hope that with Strong Girls, Bright Futures, we can give them a glimpse of what they can accomplish if they put their minds to it.
What’s your favorite part of JLGNF? I love membership! It is so great to meet every New Member and watch them grow as new members to a vital part of the league. It's exciting to see their desire to help and become involved grow and watch their leadership skills develop.
Tell us something unique about you: My middle name Rheann is from Fleetwood Mac's song Rhiannon. I could survive solely off of Champagne and Mexican food and be perfectly happy! :)